“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.”

― Albert Einstein,

Beneath Appearances

Hidden geometry in the drawings of Piero della Francesca


Geoffrey Smedley


130 Pages, 135 illustrations, Hard Cover, 8.5"x11"

ISBN: 978-0-9952778-1-6



Beneath Appearances centres  on my original discovery of an extensive geometry buried in the drawings Piero used to illustrate the text of his treatise, De Prospectiva Pingendi. I worked by considering the drawings in themselves without reference to their role as illustrations. I was well aware of the distinction between seeing and seeing as: between phenomena and representation. My approach leads to an entirely new understanding of the work as a nexus of sight, geometry and being. Piero was a celebrated painter, draughtsman, mathematician and student of philosophy.

I reckon his achievement in bonding a feeling of unity with the facts as he knew them came from these sources. Facts imbued with feelings are the foundations of his world view.


Geoffrey Smedley


Also available in “Limited Edition Series”


The Una-Flow Steam-Engine


Prof. Dr. H.C.J. Stumpf


340 pages, Trade Paperback, 8.5"x11"

ISBN: 978-0-9812476-4-9




This 1922 classic book about the steam engine, probably the best ever written on the subject, was not available for decades. It covers all forms of the Una-Flow Steam-Engine with all the calculations, drawings and illustrations.

340 pages, over 280 illustrations. Reprinted from original edition. This is the first time this book is offered as a reprint. Carefully scanned from the 1922 edition, each page was then cleaned and enhanced using the latest computer software and the text optically recognized to allow a perfect print quality. Each illustration was enhanced in a similar way and descreened to remove moiré effects in final print. Small typographical and layout errors were corrected and in some instances the spelling was changed to reflect current usage. This book is a “must have” for anyone interested in the technology and history of steam, as well as steam equipment builders, collectors and enthusiasts.


Also available in “Limited Edition Series”

New edition coming soon

Academia and Peace - Thoughts and Struggles

Avivi I. Yavin


318 Pages, Trade papaerback, 8.5"x11"

ISBN: 978-0-981247-6-7



This autobiography tells the story of a realist and a dreamer as well as that of the tormented Middle East following World War II. The suffering of the Jewish people made the author a Zionist who fought in the Israeli War of Independence, while the tragedy of the Palestinian people (the Nakba) made him sensitive to their sufferings. The bloodshed by both sides in that war, as well as in the following wars, and especially the suffering of his university students, led Professor Yavin to pursue peace with a passion. This book tells the story of the author’s relentless efforts to advance both peace and science in the Middle East through Arab-Israeli scientific collaborations. The reader will learn about many unique efforts by the author to achieve Arab-Israeli cooperation and will share the author’s hopes as well as disappointments; and through the book will learn important aspects of the history of the Middle East in the second half of the twentieth century.

Edmund J. Sullivan's illustrations to

"The French Revolution"

Bill Zweig


52 Pages, Trade papaerback, 8.5"x11"

ISBN: 978-0-9812476-5-6



Edmund J. Sullivan's allegorical illustrations for "The French Revolution: A History" by the Scottish writer and historian Thomas Carlyle, are among the artist's best works. The three-volume work, published in 1837, traces the course of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1795.

Edmund Sullivan's powerful illustrations not only convey the horrors of the era, but match Carlyle's unique writing style of prose-poetry. Because of the scholarly nature of the book, the illustrations are to a large extent unknown to the general public. This is the first time they are offered as a separate collection.

Each of the 36 high resolution, full page illustrations (as appeared in the original illustrated edition) is accompanied by details of events  depicted.  The introduction provides the historical background and discuses Edmund J. Sullivan's style of illustrating.



Also available in “Limited Edition Series”

New edition coming soon

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